Monday, August 27, 2007

två dag

I leave for Sweden in two days. I fly from San Francisco to Newark, where my mom meets me, then we fly to Stockholm. We're staying at one of the Radisson SAS hotels for a week, then I'm on my own. Someone at CHESS, where I'll be working, has offered to let me stay in her apartment from September 2-14 while she's away, which is amazing because it buys me some time to find an apartment which appears to be nearly impossible in Stockholm.

My mom spoke to the concierge at the hotel last week and he announced that it's going to snow in Stockholm this week. I've looked up the weather in ten different places and as far as I can tell it might be a bit chilly and rainy, but no snow. The idea of snow in August during my first week was horrifying, but maybe he was just trying to scare us.

I've also been looking up sunrise/sunset times. On Thursday, my first day there, sunrise is 5:38 and sunset is 7:59. The peak was June 21, with sunrise at 3:29 and sunset at 10:10. The worst of it appears to be the week before Christmas, with sunrise at about 8:45 and sunset around 2:45. That's when I was there before, and it's bizarre but at least it doesn't get any worse than that. I'm fond of extremes like that, anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t's such a tickety-boo site. fabulous, acutely intriguing!!!


