Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bergsunds Strand

I think I might have found a place to live for the rest of the year! It would be difficult to overstate what a relief it will be if this works out. I only moved into this place a few days ago but have already been panicking about finding a decent place from January - June, since Jenny is coming back to Stockholm on January 1. The new place is on a street called Bergsunds Strand, right on the water, in Södermalm, which is by far the coolest neighborhood in Stockholm. It's really close to the Hornstull T-bana stop, it's a two-bedroom which will be fabulous for the slew of visitors I have planned, it has a balcony and views that look out onto the water from every freaking room, and while it's more expensive than I would like, it's ridiculously cheap compared to New York or California prices. The woman who's renting it is a freelance journalist going to India for five months, and the dates are exactly perfect - December 23 until May 25, which means I can come home three weeks before the wedding. I'm going to meet with her this week but I'm going to the conference in Helsinki from Wednesday-Sunday and I just hope that doesn't mess any of this up, I am so desperate to get this apartment and be done with it. Off to sleep now to dream about my new balcony in Södermalm.

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